
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A Functioning Dysfunctional Family

No family is beyond the functioning power of God.

How would you label your family, functional or dysfunctional?  A dysfunctional family can take on many different forms.  Maybe your family is labeled dysfunctional because of the yelling that takes place, the drug abuse that happens, the perpetual lying, the many half brothers or sisters you have, you fill in the blank.

We see a dysfunctional family in the beginning of Scriptures.  It is the family of Abraham.  Let me list to you some of the issues found in this family

- Abraham lies twice about Sarah being his wife.
- Abraham and Sarah both laugh at God.
- Sarah tells Abraham to sleep with the maid.  Abraham does, and Sarah gets mad and treats the maid with anger.
- Isaac, Abraham’s son, also lies about his wife Rebekah, being his wife.
- Isaac favors Essau and Rebekah favors Jacob, causing division between the boys.
- Jacob steals Essau’s birthright, and later his blessing as the firstborn.

This is the classic dysfunctional family.  Although the family was dysfunctional, the Lord had a huge function for them to play in the redemption of his people, Jesus, the King of Kings, would be born from this family tree.

No family, including yours, is beyond the power of God to be used in a functioning way.  Don’t lose hope if your family appears to be too dysfunctional.