
Saturday, June 22, 2013


I want to carry on from yesterday’s thought, that is, how we can help prepare an anxious heart to go to God just by our uplifting words of encouragement.

I recently heard an amazing story from a good friend.  My friend was busy at work one day, in the middle of a meeting with a client when she was prompted in her spirit to send a quick message to her supervisor, appreciating her for the job she did and expressing her thanks for having such a wonderful supervisor.

Little did my friend know that her supervisor, at that moment, had a heavy heart about her job.  In fact her heart was so heavy (or anxious) that she was going to turn in her resignation that day.

A bit later, my friend bumped into her supervisor and her supervisor said to her, “You don’t know how much your message meant to me.  I was going to turn in my two week notice today, but after I got your message, I decided not to.”

Coincidence? No!  God!  My friend knows the Lord and since she knows the Lord she has the Holy Spirit as her helper.

John 14:16-17 says, “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, 17 even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you.”

My friend was prompted by the Holy Spirit to send that message.  The seemingly coincidence behind the timing is in fact the evidence of God’s work (some call it a miracle, others call it coincidence, call it what you want, I call it the hand of God).  Her words of encouragement were in fact not her words, but God’s words in and through her.

Is God about saving jobs?  Not necessarily.  But he is about using small miracles like this one to save souls.  We don’t know the sovereign plan behind God needing that supervisor to keep her job.  However, I know there is eternal purpose in it.

Today, right now, you are equipped, as a believer in Jesus Christ, to do every good work, including sending small encouraging messages that are used by God to uplift heavy hearts, because you have the Holy Spirit as your helper to carry out the work of God.

So next time your spirit prods you to send an uplifting message to a friend, family member, co-worker, or
even that elderly lady in front of you in the grocery line who is fumbling to pay her bill, go ahead and send it and let God do his work through you.