
Friday, August 30, 2013

Divine Intervention

When your philosophy of life is limited by the laws of science, then you are left without explanation when miracles happen.  But when your beliefs are rooted on Colossians 1:16-17 which states all things were created through Jesus Christ and are held together by Jesus Christ, the miracles can then make sense, because you understand that this world is governed by a God who transcends the laws of Science.  Take the following story for example.

Tony was a diesel mechanic.  On August 4th, Tony and his wife went to bed like normal.  Little did they know that the next morning God was awaiting them with a miracle that would change their view of Him forever. 

When Tony’s wife woke the next morning, she knew her husband was seriously ill, as Tony was not breathing. Immediately she called an ambulance and he was transported to the hospital.  Doctor’s rushed to figure out why Tony was not able to breathe.  A few hours later, Tony took a turn for the worse when his heart stopped beating.  The doctors were left scrambling to revive Tony but to no avail.

On August 5th, Tony was pronounced dead at 37 years old, leaving a wife and two children behind.

The sudden death of Tony shocked the family, and they called their friends and Pastor to the hospital to mourn with them.

Nurses prepared Tony’s lifeless body to be seen by his family.  Tony’s teenage son came into the room to see his father one last time.  His pastor accompanied him as he looked upon his dad, who once resembled a man of strength, as he lay on the bed motionless.

Lawrence, Tony’s son, was not ready to lose his dad and told his dad that today was not his day to die.  As Lawrence left the room 45 minutes after his father was pronounced dead, his pastor saw something on the heart monitor still attached to his chest; a flutter, then another, and another.  No human hand was on Tony as the Pastor witnessed the invisible hand of God revive him back to life. 

With absolutely no scientific explanation available, Tony was fully awake four days later, with no remembrance of the situation.

Do miracles still happen? Absolutely!  We have a God who is actively governing not only this world, but every breath you take. 

I personally praise God regularly for granting me life, for holding my life together through his Son Jesus Christ.

So the next time you are left scratching your head at something that defies science, turn your thoughts to God, who may have just proven his existence to you.