
Friday, October 25, 2013


The conversation started something like this, “Greg, our children are extremely important at Midtown.  I want to make sure we are taking care of them as best as we can.  I know finances are a bit tight around the church, but I believe we should invest some money into the children’s room.  Our walls are unfinished, carpet is missing in some areas, and wires are dangling from the ceiling.  I just don’t feel as if we are doing the best we can for these children and their parents.  Can you bring this up at the next elder’s meeting and see if we can put some money towards the room?”  My children’s director, Brittany, had just expressed to me her heart’s desire to make sure we, as a church, are doing what we can to take care of those who walk in our doors.  She saw a weakness in our facility that she wanted to address for the children’s safety.

“Here is what I need from you Brittany, come up with two budgets for the job.  A budget that consists of the bare essentials and a second budget that would cover what you would like to get done to the room.  In the meantime, I will talk to the elders about this idea and feel them out.  But you know that we really have no money set aside for anything like this, so I cannot promise anything.”

A week later she presented me with the two numbers.  In her estimation, it would cost $2,000.00 to do the bare essentials to the room and $3,000 to do what she would like to do to the room to make it more comfortable and safe.

“Brittany, here is what we decided as the elders of Midtown.  We do not want to make an executive decision on this but want you to make the decision for us.  Over the past year and a half, we, as elders, have been praying for God to take care of our needs around the church, and he has done so.  Therefore we know without a doubt that the Lord will guide you in this decision.  If he wants you to do this project then the money will come in.  So we want you to pray for one week on this and ask God to either change your mind on the project and tell you that it doesn’t need to be done, or pray that he will provide the money.   Regarding the two numbers, we know that in God’s economy $2,000 is no different than $3,000.  So we want to forget about the $2,000 and lock in on praying for $3,000 to be provided for the job if the Lord wants you to move forward.  Therefore, next week when we meet, I want to hear God has guided you in this, and if you say we are moving forward then we will move forward and trust that the Lord will provide the $3,000.00 to accomplish this job.”

“Ok” And she went off to pray for a week.  In the meantime, we prayed that the Lord would reveal himself to her and to us in a marvelous way in this matter.

One week later, she came to our staff meeting and reported.  “Greg, I believe we can skip out on a couple of the small projects, but through prayer, I believe God is leading me to move forward on this.”  On my lap at the time was a stack of mail that was just brought in by one of my deacons.  I typically don’t multi task during our meetings, but this time I was.  As we discussed the certainty of her feelings about the job (asking questions to discern God from fleshly desires, which is easy to do when you spend time in prayer and have a corresponding peace that follows your prayer life), I ripped into an envelope from an attorney’s office.  I was expecting junk mail, but instead I received a letter that was sent by the hand of God. Let me summarize it to you. 

Dear Midtown,

“It was determined that the claim you filed and the deductible you paid regarding the flooding incident a couple of years ago was not your fault.  Therefore, please sign these documents and return them immediately for a refund of your $3000.00 deductible.”  If I didn’t have arm rests in my chair I would have fallen out as I was laughing so hard (this is how I respond when God reveals Himself in a mighty way).  I couldn’t believe what I was reading as it showed Brittany what the power of prayer can do. 

You see, as her pastor, I also spent the week praying.  I prayed for something slightly different.  My prayer went like this, “God, don’t let me down here.  I have challenged our Children’s Ministry Director to pray to you and to receive your guidance in the job.  I am totally expecting you to move in an incredible way here.  I am a little nervous that I am acting foolishly and I will have to explain to her next week why you didn’t answer her.  Please do something great for her.”

And he did, not only for her, but for me!  As much as Brittany was able to see the goodness of God, I also got to see it and learned a great deal of God’s faithfulness through it.

She prayed for God to either change her thinking or provide the money while I prayed for God to reveal himself in a mighty way.  He answered both of those prayers in a way that reminded us of his faithfulness.  Philippians 4 says that my God will provide for your needs according to His riches in glory.  Amen.