
Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Ugly Duck in Me

I read the story of the ugly duckling yesterday. Would it be pathetic of me to say it broke my heart? It did. Fine, call me pathetic, in fact call me ugly! I see myself and I see you in that story. Before we come to know God we are just like the ugly duckling. Looking all ugly and awkward on the outside, but knowing that there is something so much more to us on the inside that we have yet to discover.

The thing is, we all are ugly until we find Jesus, and if we are honest with each other, we try to deduce our ugliness by pointing out the ugliness of someone else. Kinda pathetic huh?

Isaiah 64:6 says even my righteous deeds are like a filthy garment. But Jesus can wash them white as snow if we confess Him as our Lord and Savior and believe that he was risen from the dead.

Once I declare Jesus as my Lord, I am born again, and I have a new self image (not on the outside that is, on the inside. One that is pure and as beautiful, like a swan.) The problem is, you still carry the same physique around, and people are still people, pointing out the ugliness in you.

Don't let them define you. Don't let ugly people tell you who you are. And, don't see them as ugly. See them as potential swans if they come to know the Lord.