Discerning the will of God can be paralyzing at times. Should I do this, or should I do that? Is this God’s will or is that God’s
will? I used to ask that question about
a 100 times a day. Before long, I was doing
a lot less in life in fear that I was not in-line with God’s will.

1 Samuel 10:7 (Saul has just been anointed king. God is about to give Saul a new heart and The
Holy Spirit will soon rush on him. Here
is Samuel’s command to Saul.) “Now when
these signs meet you, do what your hands find to do, for God is with you.” Now that is liberating. Do what your hands find to do, because God is
with you. You can say that too, because
you have also been given the Holy Spirit as a Child of God.
Ecclesiastes 9:10a reiterates this exhortation: “Whatever your hands find to do, do it with
all your might…”
Solomon doesn’t just say to do it, rather jump all in and do
it with all your might! To do something
with all your might means you must erase all doubt that it isn’t a part of
God’s will and move forward in faith that God will guide you through it. Proverbs speaks to this a bit further.
Proverbs 16:9 says, “The heart of man plans his way, but the
LORD establishes his steps.” With a
verse like that backing me, I am free to plan my day, my weeks, my months, and
my years because I have complete confidence that God will direct my steps. If my hands find something to do then I will
confidently trust that God will either guide me through it, away from it, or
teach me by it.
Next time you face that fork in the road, in faith, do what
your hands find to do (or want to do). Trust that God is with you and is
guiding you through the decision because the Holy Spirit is at work in you.