
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Follow Me

I was taking my gummy vitamins this morning and I noticed something on the label that gave me a good laugh.  My gummy vitamin company actually wants me to follow them and like them on Facebook.  So I did, then I un-followed them.  I thought to myself, "Why would someone want to stay up to date with their vitamin company?".  That makes no sense to me.  The only reason I would consider following them on Facebook is to be the first to know if there is a new flavor of vitamins coming out.

You and I love to follow people who have their stuff together.  We love to be pulled in the draft of the most recent blogs, news posts, celebrity updates, and be the first to learn of the new techy devices.  There are a few reasons why I believe we love to follow people:

1.  We admire these people because they have something to offer us.  My gummy vitamins offer me vitamins that I can tolerate.

2. We love to be on the forefront of the latest news.  This way, we feel important when we can rush status updates to the top of our news feeds, or shoot text messages labeled, "Did you know..." to those around us that we find our acceptance from.

3.  These people give us something to aim for in life.  Someone to be like, to imitate.

But don't think facebook started this "follow me" syndrome.  Throughout all time, people have been following others.  Biblically speaking, Lot followed Abram, Israelites followed Moses, then Joshua.  Later, they wanted a King to follow.  But there came one man, who asked 12 ordinary individuals to follow him.  His name was Jesus.

These men were like you and me.  Working hard in life, some raising families, others running businesses, and one day, someone popped up in their life. Someone they may have never known before stumbled across their path and said, "Come and follow me..."

This man was Jesus.  Jesus wasn't like you and me, aiming for the most followers.  His agenda wasn't to have the largest crowd. Rather, he wanted to invest into a small handful of individuals who were willing to learn from him and willing to live for him.  Individuals who wanted to live for a greater purpose, people like you and me.

Why do you follow Jesus?  Is he another thing you just belong to?  Is he just another page like on your Facebook account, or another book in your bookcase?  Or do you follow him because there is nothing, NOTHING else this world can offer that gives you hope, that gives you purpose?

As for me and my house, we will not follow my vitamin company, rather, we will follow and serve the Lord!